computer science

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10 Universities Offering Industrial IoT Courses or Degrees

Dec 17, 2019 - Emily Newton

Many industries need people who understand the IoT. To meet this increasing demand, universities are creating new IoT courses and programs.

Top 10 Common Computer Problems [Part 2]: Fixing Computer Problems Yourself

Nov 21, 2019 - Emily Newton

Is fixing computer problems yourself is the best route or should contact a professional? This list includes 10 common computer problems you could run into.

Interesting Computer Science Subjects to Study

Nov 21, 2019 - Emily Newton

As a computer science engineer, you can study computer networks, web technology, algorithms, programming languages, database systems, ecommerce & much more!

Top 15 Common Computer Problems That Get Under Your Skin [Part 1]

May 20, 2019 - Emily Newton

Have you ever experienced a computer malfunction at the worst time? Here are the top 10 most common computer problems that can really get under your skin!

Everything You Need to Know About Computer Science

Dec 11, 2018 - Emily Newton

What is computer science? A computer scientist can create code, write programs, and more. Learn more about computer science now!