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Sustainable infrastructure is crucial for cities of the future

Resilient and Sustainable Infrastructure is Crucial

May 11, 2023 - Lou Farrell

Developing resilient and sustainable infrastructure is vital for communities to adapt to climate change and prepare for the future.

What Is a Smart City and How Does It Work?

Jan 17, 2020 - Emily Newton

There are only a few cities that can claim the title of “smart city.” What is a smart city supposed to be? And how does it work?

critical infrastructure

25 Types of Critical Infrastructure Sectors

Jun 4, 2019 - Emily Newton

Running a country isn’t simple. Different sectors run our services. Keep reading to learn more about 25 of the most critical infrastructure sectors.

See For Yourself

NASA's Perseverance Rover successfully touched down on the red planet on February 18, 2021. The rover's main goal is to search for signs of alien life. Perseverance will also collect rock samples and regolith for a possible return to earth. Thumbnail Credit: NASA

The term 5G has been a buzzword on the internet for some time now, but what exactly is this technology and how is it different from our current 4G networks? Watch this video Tech Vision to learn about this technology or read our article about 5G technology before it becomes mainstream. Thumbnail Designed by Freepik