
How Do IoT Devices Work to Make Life More Enjoyable?

August 1, 2024 - Emily Newton

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Internet of Things (IoT) devices encompass a large product category that includes everything from fitness trackers to industrial machine sensors. How do IoT devices work? The answer varies depending on how those items function. Generally, though, active internet connections, hardware and specialized software collectively gather and transfer data for processing and insights. 

Perhaps a household has a smart refrigerator. That appliance would likely have various internet-connected hardware components, such as cameras and temperature sensors. Such products also typically include dedicated apps that provide user-friendly ways to interact with the appliance’s features. For example, people might use internal cameras to see how many yogurt containers they have left without opening the door. The app would show those views on smartphone screens. 

Cloud computing is also critical to making today’s IoT devices work well. Most products send data to the cloud, allowing authorized users to access it from anywhere by using compatible products, such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. 

Now that we’ve looked at how these technologies and aspects function, let’s explore how IoT devices work to improve people’s lives. Although it’s easy to find examples of this technology used in hospitals, train stations and other large-scale settings, there are also plenty of possibilities of people using the IoT for more modest, but still valid, reasons. Here’s how those devices can make life better and easier. 

They Relieve Pet-Related Worries 

Pets bring love, cuddles and companionship to the humans in their lives. However, some of those people understandably get concerned when they must leave the animals at home for hours, which typically happens during workdays. Although some people still have remote jobs, many have had to return to their offices at least several days per week. Such circumstances can create pet-related concerns for everyone involved. 

The same is true for people who have pets that spend time both indoors and outdoors. Individuals cannot feasibly supervise their animals as they roam the neighborhood. However, keeping a cat or dog inside once they become used to going outside becomes frustrating, especially since the creature won’t understand what has changed to make the outdoors an off-limits area. 

Fortunately, the IoT can help in both these cases and others. Some pet-specific devices function similarly to standard security cameras, but they include connectivity features to bridge the gap between a pet and its owner who is not at home. Consider the products that allow people to watch their pets from anywhere, and even talk to them through built-in microphones. Options even exist that allow people to remotely dispense treats to their animals, keeping them entertained and rewarding them for good behavior. 

Alternatively, if pets get scared due to bad weather, an unexpected person at the door or any other reason, many IoT products let owners speak to them and provide a calming effect. 

The tracking capabilities of widely available IoT products for pets give people peace of mind if their animal doesn’t come home at the expected time or something else unusual occurs. 

Researchers Uncover Privacy Risks Associated With IoT Pet Products

As people become impressed by these IoT devices, they must remember that they are internet-connected products that could leak data. Researchers reminded people of that conclusion when they reviewed pet-related IoT products. How do IoT devices work to help people keep tabs on their pets? The answer to that question helps explain the possible security risks. More specifically, these IoT products track pets, usually giving their owners real-time information on their whereabouts. 

The trouble was that many of these products also tracked people, including recording how they used their smartphones. 

However, this reality is not unique to IoT products or items for pets. Those involved with the study urge consumers to pay attention to the information their connected devices collect and what happens to that data. Once people know those things, they should try to restrict the amount of gathered information, especially for purposes unrelated  to how the IoT pet products function. 

They Allow More Control Over Our Homes 

The longer people live in a home, the more they learn about how to customize the space. They’ll discover the ideal lighting level, vacuuming frequency, and other specifics that will help them love where they live.

Connected products are ideal for helping people retain those ideals while minimizing manual oversight. How do IoT devices work that way? It all depends on which products people buy and what features they include. However, generally, these gadgets encompass everything from smart sinks and showers to thermostats and door locks.

People will enjoy and use them most when they think carefully about which products would solve identified problems or meet their needs. They should also research options that make it as easy as possible to customize the smart home, including hubs or other practical accessories. 

Avoid Tech Misuse

Although these products are convenient, how do IoT devices work to cause problems for those who use them? Unfortunately, some bad actors have answered that question by using the products to cause stress for others.

This often happens during circumstances such as relationship breakups, where a partner might leave the home and still have access to IoT passwords after the fact. Perpetrators also exploit tech devices while harming people through domestic abuse. 

Fortunately, the solution is relatively simple and involves people changing their device passwords frequently. Unwanted access usually does not continue once credentials become invalid. 

They Help Things Happen More Smoothly

Life is all about trying to go with the flow when unexpected things happen. However, the increased visibility enabled by IoT devices reduces unwanted surprises. For example, an overflowing trash bin at a popular local park could cause visitors to wrinkle their noses in disgust and potentially contribute to an existing litter problem if the trash goes everywhere on windy days. 

However, waste management companies often use IoT sensors to determine when to empty the receptacles. They can also use the associated data to see which bins get used most often, which could signal them to add a few more nearby. 

Additionally, many people love traveling but hate the possibility of their bags getting lost along the way. IoT trackers can significantly reduce that likelihood by showing the locations of every piece of luggage as it moves. Even if companies such as airlines don’t use them, travelers can, giving them more leverage if they need to report bags as missing. 

Know How IoT Devices Work Before Consenting

Since IoT devices vary in functionality, potential users should learn how those products collect data and for what purpose before deciding to use them.. Although these products are generally safe to use, breaches have happened, so it’s a best practice to only provide your information if you believe the respective companies will keep it secure. 

How Do IoT Devices Work to Improve Your Life?

These are some examples of how IoT devices can make life better. Have you had similar experiences? Whether you’re an experienced user or someone with only a couple of connected products, they can help you get the most out of life. 

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Emily Newton

Emily Newton is a technology and industrial journalist and the Editor in Chief of Revolutionized. She manages the sites publishing schedule, SEO optimization and content strategy. Emily enjoys writing and researching articles about how technology is changing every industry. When she isn't working, Emily enjoys playing video games or curling up with a good book.

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