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Types of Telescopes: Exploring Faraway Stars

Jun 1, 2022 - Emily Newton

The average human eye can only spot around 5,000 stars under ideal circumstances. To see the rest, we need different types of telescopes.

Who Will Be the First Woman on the Moon?

May 31, 2022 - Ellie Gabel

NASA’s Artemis generation project will be sending the first woman to the moon. Take a look into the team of potential candidates.

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Jupiter’s Moons: The Most Exciting Corner of the Solar System

May 18, 2022 - Emily Newton

Jupiter’s moons are among the largest and most unique moons in the solar system — and they might even harbor alien life!

A Flash in the Night Sky: Exploring Types of Supernovae

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Stars might seem eternal but when they reach the end of their life, they go out without a bang. What are the different types of supernovae?

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The Incredible Evolution of Rocket Launch Technology

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Rocket launch technology has powered space exploration for decades. Learn more about where it has been and where it is going.

More Than One Sun: Exploring Binary Stars

May 4, 2022 - Emily Newton

Our home solar system only has one star, but that isn’t the case for the rest of the universe. What are binary stars?

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Houston, We Have a Cellular Problem

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Space travel is challenging. But that hasn’t stopped astronauts from trying. How does space travel impact the human body?

Where Are We With Solar System Exploration?

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a spiral galaxy is one of the many types of galaxies

How Many Types of Galaxies are There?

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There are more than two trillion galaxies in the known universe. To classify types of galaxies, scientists use a few different approaches.

The Known Universe: What Do We Know So Far?

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20 Solar System Facts: The Ultimate Guide to Our Solar System

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See For Yourself

NASA's Perseverance Rover successfully touched down on the red planet on February 18, 2021. The rover's main goal is to search for signs of alien life. Perseverance will also collect rock samples and regolith for a possible return to earth. Thumbnail Credit: NASA

The term 5G has been a buzzword on the internet for some time now, but what exactly is this technology and how is it different from our current 4G networks? Watch this video Tech Vision to learn about this technology or read our article about 5G technology before it becomes mainstream. Thumbnail Designed by Freepik